Sunday, May 19, 2013

Deanie's view of her life

Hi I'm from Newfoundland, Canada.  Last September we moved to beautiful Grand Bend in Ontario. Our daughter and our grandchildren live in Toronto, and this was a great opportunity to be near them. We love being with our daughter and grandchildren and sharing special occasions with them.

 I live in Grand Bend with my patient husband. who helps me with everything. As I'm also physically challenged since birth,  requiring  a number of surgeries and now as I write, am waiting for another surgery. This has been a part of my life since I was two and half years old.  But as the saying goes "what doesn't kill us makes us stronger".  I believe in fate, fight and faith and have enough of each to get myself through unusual times in my life.

I have seasonal allergies; which are now bothering me a lot.  I am sneezing and my eyes look red and sagging; just like the comic "Marmaduke" eyes.